<p>A number of new wallpaper brands have been added to our collection! We proudly present the wallpaper collections of Muance, Les Dominotiers and GP&J Baker.</p><p> <a href="https://www.selectedwallpapers.com/collections/muance"title="muance wallpaper">muance</a></p><p> <span>Muance makes custom wallpaper with fantastic designs. It gives an immediate impact in your interior! The Muance wallpaper can be printed on different surfaces. Make your living room unique with an eye-catcher from Muance.</span></p><p> <a href="https://www.selectedwallpapers.com/collections/greenland"title="greenland wallpaper wallpaper"><span>Greenland</span></a></p><p> <span>Greenland is a manufacturer of natural wall coverings made of grass fabrics and textiles. With over 15 years of experience in wallpaper, you can see the innovation in the high-quality products they produce. Inspiring, innovative and with a focus on quality. Their daily passion for the product makes it unique. Whether it is sisal, abaca, jute, linen or paper, Greenland makes a high-quality natural wall covering.</span></p><p> <a href="https://www.selectedwallpapers.com/collections/les-dominotiers"title="Wallpaper Les Dominotiers">Les Dominotiers</a></p><p> <span>The wallpaper of Les Dominotiers comes from France and provides customization. They create fantastic panoramic landscapes and high quality traditional high-end wallpaper rolls. A unique collection with its own face.</span></p><p> <a href="https://www.selectedwallpapers.com/collections/gp-j-baker"title="Wallpaper GP&J Baker">GP&J Baker</a></p><p> <span>Wallpaper from GP&J Baker is varied and uses stunning translations of designs from their rich wallpaper archive. Signature prints allow GP&J Baker to offer a unique and stylish approach to traditional and contemporary interiors.</span></p>
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